West Virginia Business Licenses Directory

About Business Licenses in West Virginia

Corporations, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, non-profit companies, and other business entities all file documents through the Secretary of State Business Organizations Division. An online database is available whereby business record searches can be performed by business name. Records produced can include full business name, type of business entity, effective date, termination date (where applicable), officers, address, mergers, and amendments filed.

Professional licenses in West Virginia are generally regulated by an agency which governs the particular profession. The West Virginia Association of Licensing Boards provides online access to over 30 licensing agencies including accountants, architects, dentists, and massage therapists. Most agencies provide online access to search for professional records online. Searches can generally be performed by name, and records produced can include full name, type of license, status, and address. Professional records for physicians are managed by the West Virginia Board of Medicine. Online records searches can be performed by name, company name, license number, license type, specialty, and location. Attorney licensing records are managed by the West Virginia Bar Association. Attorney licensing records can be searched by identification number, name, county, city, or status.
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